dimanche 1 février 2015

MAJ - Distro Février 2015

Arrivé en distro ce mois ci : www.offsiderecords.fr    go to the store 

Premier LP pour les Américains de Vanity après une très bonne démo. Bien sur il est fantastique. 

Arrivée également de chez Katorga , le premier ep d'Ajax

On a des derniers ep de GAS RAG, il s'agit du pressage européen sur Even Worse

Repressage de ce classique du punk français

le second LP de Generacion Suicida , toujours aussi bien: 

et en provenance de chez Hardware : 

la cassette de Sperm regroupant les deux démo 

et pour ceux qui aime le hardcore rapide , Sunshine Ward de Boston avec leur premier ep demo.
New Boston Hardcore rager, taking influcenes from UK82, Totalitär and Japanese Hardcore. The band comprises 3/4 BRAIN KILLER personnel.

et pour finir, en provenance de Vomito Punkrock (Espagne) , la réédition du premier ep et du LP des italiens de Peggio Punx:

Peggio Punx, also known as Peggio, were a group of music punk / hardcore active between 1981/1989 Alexandria. The group was characterized by often experimental music and lyrics leftist sympathizers. Along with other groups such as Nerorgasmo, Negazione, Decline, indigestion and others, formed the basis of the hardcore punk scene of Piedmont. In the early eighties were very active in the Italian scene and participated in numerous concerts with bands like Wretched, CCM, Raw power. Many of his albums are self-produced, full of the spirit of DIY. The LP contains his EP "Ci stanno uccidendo to suono of music nostra" 1985 also includes within its first 7 "sound Disastro 1982, and a fanzine 4 p. With an interview with guitarist Marco and founder of the band.

A venir : Crown Court - Ep / Modern Problems - 2nd tape/ Fear Of War - Disco Lp